Saturday, January 4, 2014

What We Can Learn from a Lifeguard about Business

By: Thomas Signorello, January 4th, 2014

Lifeguards play an important role in Swimmers safety. They provide an invaluable service to others at a critical time when people are in danger and save lives. Don't you agree?

When Swimmers are in deep water and in "danger", the lifeguard is trained in "what to watch out for". Tell-tale signs of people who in peril stand out. An alert guard can quickly and successfully jump in and "save" a person, assuming that the Lifeguard knows that the person is even in the water.

However, did you know that Network Marketing Leadership is very similar to that of the life-saving hero's near the water? Here's how ...

Let's say that a person "jumps" into their business and wants to go show and share their new opportunity with people. In many cases, they skip the parts about training and presentation. They "talk" about their deal rather than using company "tools" and Mentor's who have spent years in the business. They dive into the "deep end" of the pool without letting the Lifeguard know that they are even in the water!

They may attempt to show and share things a few times and ... bloooop" ... gone!

When people get involved in a Networking Business, almost every company have a simple and easy "system" for showing people how to get started and have almost instant success. Yet so many people "drown" before they even have a chance to experience any type of success. Then again, many people promote to the role of "Coach" and "Mentor", yet haven't mastered the skills required to save others. A very dangerous situation ...

Another problem many experience is that they fail to "get all of the way into the water"! They don't even "buy" their own story. Maybe they going in only halfway (Customer plans, only) Fearful of venturing out into the "deep end". Maybe even worse, they only stick their "big toe" in or not even get in the water at all! 

At some point, in order for the Networker to have success, they must encourage people to "Swim" on their own. Nobody can "swim" for you. Nobody can "save" you, unless you are "willing" to be saved. Nobody can make you an Olympic Champion unless you first "give yourself" permission to get in the "deep end" and become a "Master" yourself.

Your guard has a vested interest in your survival and success. Trusting in them and the people who have helped them to "swim" to safety provides the opportunity for growing an amazing organization. Pay close attention to "how" they did it. Learn the "skills" required to not only "master" your craft, but to help other to do the same and your Networking business has some big potential!

Carpe Diem!

Thomas Signorello is a Professional Networker and Relationship Building Coach and Mentor. He has grown a tremendous business by teaching people the Art of making others feel special and taking relationships made via the Internet Offline. To learn more about Thomas and how he helps people achieve more, visit: and connect with him on Linkedin.

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